Went out and had a fabulous time with ELEAT tonight.
Here's a sneak peak at what happened:
Telai: 5PM at GMall, right?
Lady: Yes. I'm going to ligo na..
Frank: Yep. Maybe I'll be late. I'm still at the Med School. I haven't been interviewed yet.
Frank: Bru, are you still at home? Can you google Swine Flu?
Telai: No internet right now. Ask lady. On my way to the mall.
Lady: Frank asked me to google something. I'm on my way to the jeepney stop.
RB: I'm on my way.
Telai: I'm in GMall already. Where are you?
RB: Wait for me. I'm almost there. About 5minutes.
Telai: Yeah right. LOL
Donna: Telz!!!
Telai: Donz!!!
RB: Donna! You're here!
Telai: 5 minutes, RB? Frank! You're back! Where's my strawberry jam?
Frank: I'm hungry. Let's go to McDo.
Lady: Bru!!!!!!!!!
*the rest is more screaming and talking in loud voices at McDo*
at Lachi's
Telai: I'll have the Unforgettable Spare Ribs
Frank: Me too.
Lady: I'll have the Oriental Chicken.
RB: I want Lechon Kawali... or the Melt-in-Your-Mouth Pork stuff
Donna: Lechon Kawali. But the Melt-in-your-Mouth Pork sounds delicious.

Telai: I'll have Peppermint Tea.
Lady: Hahahah. You're going to drink tea??? Hahahaha.

Frank: Dessert is my treat
After Dinner
Lady: I want to drink. Let's buy Absolut Peach. Where do we buy?
RB: Ha? I can't! I have to go home and study!
Frank: Go. Let's go to Telai's.
Donna: What??? Telai's???
Telai: I don't drink anymore! But you can stay at my house. The parents are not around.
We then went to NCCC Mall to buy Vodka.
But they didn't have Absolut Peach.
Frank and Lady decided to buy the Jose Cuervo Tequila instead.

While buying stuffs for the tequila night at Telai's,
ELEAT saw and visited with our High School friend Jewells.
She's now working at the NCCC Supermarket
as an Operations Supervisor Trainee.
Lady: Are we taking a cab?
Telai: Up to you guys. But we have to ride another jeep from here to get to my place.
Frank: Let's ride this Hop On Hop Off jeep instead!
RB and Lady: First time!
Donna: We always ride this one when we have community duty.

We were the first people to ride the jeep,
everyone was so excited and loud.
After a while, 3 people who have apparently went grocery shopping for fish
also rode the jeep.
ELEAT: *silence and knowling looks*
Telai: gets handkerchief from bag.
RB: Tel, I don't want to say anything. I don't want to sin! Karma! I still have to take the board exam soon!
Donna: couldn't take it and gets handkerchief also
Frank and Lady: continues talking

At Telai's
Donna: I'll use the CR
Lady: Let's slice the calamansi
Telai: I'll pour the salt
RB: How do you properly open this bottle?
Frank: Starts eating the chips
Unfortunately, booze induced conversation are slightly hazy.
Had so much fun teasing Lady about Mr. Surigao Forest and all our other private plurk moments.
ELEAT left Telai's at around 11PM.
Walked in the Rain. A bit wasted. Hehe.
Decided to sleep over on Friday!!!
Can't wait for another bonding moment with Eleat and Co.! :)
(c) Photos in this blog are from my Cam Phone and Digi Cam. Sorry for the quality. Lulz.
xoxox, Telai
We miss Chic (working), Jude (studying), and Omay (on vacation)! T.T